May 2017

Who Do You Blame?

We have all experienced walking down the street and tripping on a crack in the sidewalk. There are only two types of responses to this experience.

The first type of response is to blame the person who owns the home for not properly maintaining their sidewalk and fixing the crack. The second type of response is to blame ourselves. To take a moment and admit that we need to be more careful when we are walking down the street and be aware of possible cracks in the sidewalk.

Which response is typical for you? When things go wrong, do you tend to blame others? Or do you look in the mirror, take ownership of the negative outcome, and commit to learning and improving from the experience?

The first type of response, blaming others for negative outcomes, is called an “external locus of control.” The second type of response, taking responsibility for our negative outcomes, is called an “internal locus of control.”

Researchers have found that individuals with an internal locus of control tend to earn more money, have more friends, stay married longer, and report a greater professional success and satisfaction. The good news is that people who tend to have an external locus of control can shift to an internal locus of control through training and feedback.

Your locus of control is a big deal. In addition to the above, it is also your best source for maximum productivity and motivation.

Want to learn more? I strongly suggest you read the book “Smarter Faster Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg. It’s a New York Times best-seller that just may help you on your path to increased success.