Feb 2017

What Employers Can Do To Reduce Stress In The Workplace

In my last blog, I listed several conditions identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which may cause stress at the workplace. Low morale, health and job complaints and employee turnover often provide the first signs of job stress. But sometimes there are no clues, especially if employees are fearful of losing their jobs. A lack of obvious or widespread signs is not a good reason to dismiss concerns about stress.

For more information, www.helpguide.org is a great website to visit for guides to mental, emotional and social health. They also have good tips on how to deal with job and workplace stress. Here are some tips from their website.

Managers can act as positive role models for the company. If they can remain calm in stressful situations, it’s much easier for employees to follow suit. Employers can also reduce stress by nurturing the following values and goals.

  1. Clarify Expectations
    • Share information with employees to reduce uncertainty about their jobs and futures.
    • Clearly define employees’ roles and responsibilities.
    • Make management actions consistent with organizational values.
  2. Consult Your Employees
    • Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions that affect their jobs.
    • Be sure the workload is suitable to employees’ abilities and resources; avoid unrealistic deadlines.
    • Get employee input on work rules, when possible. If they’re involved in the process, they’ll be more committed.
  3. Offer Rewards and Incentives
    • Praise good work performance verbally and organization-wide.
    • Establish a zero-tolerance policy for harassment.
    • Show that individual workers are valued.

Last but not least, make time for one-on-one communication. One of the best ways to improve communication and reduce stress is to listen attentively to an employee in a calm, face-to-face setting.

  • You’ll hear the subtle intonations in someone’s voice that tell you how that employee is really feeling.
  • You’ll make the employee feel heard.
  • You’ll experience the face-to-face interaction that lowers stress for both of you.

I highly recommend visiting www.helpguide.org. Whether you are an employee or manager, they offer valuable tips for both.