Aug 2017

Purpose and Pleasure should Work Together

Finding purpose in all we do is sometimes difficult so it’s important that we acknowledge our guided values and interests to create purpose while enjoying our livelihood. What we do on a daily basis may not seem that important but in the long run it will be. Whether we see ourselves as someone who leads others, innovates to find new solutions or mediates to help the team come to a common ground, we all can lead through our efforts while enjoying the challenge. My tips for increasing your purpose while enjoying the ride include the following:

Determine your life purpose:

What are your strengths and what fires you up in a challenging way? Look at the activities that bring you pleasure and how those are adaptable to your work environment. For instance you may enjoy pulling together the organizational details to implement a project. Whether it’s a special event, the launch of a new product or a family road trip, it all boils down to the details and preplanning. So consider how that plays into what you do daily. Once we become obsessed with what we enjoy doing, it’ll make for a better outcome and others will feel the energy you exert. Maybe you have always been fascinated by numbers and math. This can carry over to many different activities, whether it’s building a project timeline, engineering a new product, or developing new processes for simplifying work and saving dollars.

Keep things fresh:

Move out of your comfort zone. Try to do something that would never have crossed your mind. Sometimes the only way to grow and excel as an individual is to experience failure though it never feels positive at the time. Learning to grow may bring about embarrassment as we forage forward to things that are unconventional and unexpected.

This can usually be a challenge, but maybe it’s time to take a class in an area of interest or that will boost your skill set at your job, consider starting a meetup group for a hobby you want to pursue further, or plan a trip that’s different than your normal vacation. If you love the beach, and plan an annual outing to the shore, consider visiting a historic city or the mountains, to immerse yourself in another environment and culture.

Trying something new shouldn’t be overwhelming, though the detours can be challenging. Life flies by and time doesn’t necessarily provide us comfort so we should constantly drive ourselves so we can stay renewed and venture into new areas of interest whether at work or in our personal lives. Exploring the unknown will contribute to our growth, teach us to remain resilient and instill the passion in all we do as we move towards greater things.