May 2016

Grow Your Social Media Presence to Full Bloom with 4 Easy Tips!

Spring has sprung! The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping… and your followers are tweeting! Are you an active part of the conversation, or are your social media accounts still hibernating? Now is the time to wake up those dormant accounts!

By now, a large majority – even some of the most stubborn laggards – have acknowledged that social media is more than a passing fad. But simply creating the accounts and sharing a few industry-related news articles is not enough. Social media is not just about sharing; it’s about giving people a chance to interact with your company and build relationships. Just like those tulip bulbs you planted in the fall, your social media platforms need to be properly cultivated and cared for before they can grow to their full potential.

Here are some ways to put the spring back into your step and liven up your social media presence:

  1. Give your audience what they want.
    Look at your platforms and conduct a self-audit. What kinds of posts get the most likes, comments, shares, retweets and favorites? Do you get a lot of likes on your Instagram photos of company events? Good! Keep them coming! That’s a good indicator of what your followers like. Also, look at what types of posts get the least responses. While you want to be more active, you don’t want to throw a bunch of posts on your followers’ news feeds just to see what sticks. If you have zero likes and can literally hear the crickets chirping when you read certain posts, avoid making similar ones in the future.
  2. Engage follower participation.
    There are all kinds of ways to engage your followers. Contests and giveaways are always a hit, as well as weekly trivia questions and games. For example, you could ask fans to participate in a poll: “What’s your favorite summer wearable? Tell us why and you could win a $20 gift card!” Use open-ended questions to create opportunities for discussion. It can even be as simple as asking your followers on Facebook what their plans are for the weekend. Use incentives to give people a reason to follow you.
  3. Be Responsive!
    Social media is all about making connections. Communication should move both ways. Make sure questions are answered and concerns are addressed. Remember, social media is an online conversation. It would be rude to ignore someone in person if they were to approach you with a question. The same courtesy applies online. In our fast-paced world, a company that takes days to respond can come across as unprofessional and unreliable. If you’re not getting any questions or comments, start encouraging your audience to speak up! Hold a Q&A session so that followers can ask you specifics about the products and services you have to offer.
  4. Create Interesting Content!
    Don’t just regurgitate information from your company blog or website. Cyberspace is noisy! Cut through the noise with well-told stories, humor, and transparent insider views of your organization. Draw your audience in with stunning, well-edited images and eye-catching photos that jump off the news feed. Build up anticipation with sneak peeks at upcoming promotions and events, and leave followers with cliffhangers to keep them coming back for more.

With your social media presence in full bloom, your prospects will spring up like daisies! Did I miss any important bits of advice? Let me know in the comments below.