Apr 2017

Seasonal Planning Can Prove Profitable

No matter what time of year it is, we all want to stay ahead of our goals by planning for upcoming events and programs. And if we are in sales or have clients that we service throughout the year, scheduling conflicts can make it difficult to position our business when we are juggling both client and individual work. This is why reviewing your marketing plan or business goals consistently, depending on the industry you work in and your responsibilities can provide you with a leading edge on managing projects and events throughout the year.

By developing a seasonal marketing and selling calendar you can support efforts in advance so you are meeting deadlines in a timely fashion and preparing in advance for busy seasons.  Using a tracking tool or master planning calendar to identify major work annually will put you in a better positon to provide advice, communicate and share ideas with others to spread your knowledge with those who rely on you.

For instance, with summer fast approaching and the school year ending, are you prepared for that seasonal employee picnic, golf outing or upcoming summer gathering at sports and entertainment venues? Are there deliverables that others expect from you? Having a well thought out plan in place to review, and making it routine to outline the tactics and build in the time frame for tasks can simplify your efforts and alleviate unnecessary stress. These are all opportunities for you to support your company goals and shine amongst your peers.

Once you have mastered the timing of scheduled events and programs, it will be easier to follow up with the minute details that are part of any project.  This will also show you are cognizant of the workload while being available to lend a helping hand when projects unexpectedly arise.

We all know that businesses along with consumer products have a natural life cycle and with some advance strategies you can be a valuable resource to help your company grow or build engagement. Ideas are limitless and we certainly don’t lack opportunities for promoting a brand and marketing a program, so with some preplanning and a blueprint in place you can cash in on some of those wins and be the valued right hand person in all you do.