Apr 2017

Market Focus: Healthcare Industry

We all know the importance of taking care of our health. Even as small children we knew the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” by heart. So why is it that as grown adults, we are so willing to push taking care of ourselves aside? Going to the gym becomes a chore, visiting our doctor becomes fleeting and we’re certainly not eating enough apples to make up for it.

Encourage your employees to start taking care of themselves with health and wellness programs. While we may not always put our health first, 87% of employees still consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer and those companies that implement a wellness program experience a 26% reduction in healthcare costs.

If these statistics aren’t enough for you, how about considering the opportunity to make your employees feel appreciated? Whether you’re passing out ice packs for the occasional bump and bruise or offering hand sanitizer to fight off the seasonal cold, these items will leave anyone feeling appreciated.


Take a look at this case study to learn how a healthcare company utilized industry specific promotional products to boost their sales:

TissuesFor a local health fair, a health insurance provider wanted to offer an affordable and portable giveaway to promote personal hygiene during the cold and flu season. Looking for simplicity yet usefulness, they chose a mini tissue pack for its compact size and resealable closure. The tissue packs were distributed to attendees along with accompanying literature.

As a result of the tissue packs distributed, sales of new policies rose 18% at the health fair. The tissue packets were so well received, the healthcare company placed reorders for other health fairs around the country.


Source: © 2017 Prime Line® ASI/79530